Rui Rio Invades Assembleia da República and Commits Crime on Live TV

Rui Rio, the leader of the Portuguese Social Democratic Party, shocked the nation yesterday when he invaded the Assembleia da República and committed a crime on live TV. Yes, you read that right - a crime! It seems that Rio's political ambitions have taken a rather unconventional turn.

As the cameras rolled and the nation watched in disbelief, Rio stormed into the parliament building, brandishing a feather duster. It was a sight to behold - a politician armed with cleaning supplies, ready to take on the establishment.

But what crime did Rio commit, you may ask? Well, brace yourselves, because it's a doozy. He proceeded to dust off the seats of his fellow politicians! That's right, he dared to clean the very seats that have been occupied by generations of politicians, accumulating dust and cobwebs over the years.

As chaos ensued, with MPs scrambling to protect their dusty thrones, Rio remained unfazed. He continued his cleaning spree, moving from seat to seat, leaving a trail of sparkling cleanliness in his wake.

Of course, this audacious act did not go unnoticed by the Speaker of the House. In a fit of rage, he called for security to remove Rio from the premises. But Rio, ever the quick thinker, managed to evade capture by slipping on a banana peel and sliding out of reach.

As news of the incident spread, reactions poured in from all corners of the country. Some hailed Rio as a hero, a symbol of the need for political cleanliness. Others condemned him as a madman, a danger to the established order.

But one thing is for sure - Rui Rio has certainly made a name for himself. No longer will he be known solely as a politician; he will forever be remembered as the man who dared to invade the Assembleia da República armed with a feather duster.

So, what's next for Rui Rio? Will he continue his crusade for cleanliness, taking on other government buildings armed with a mop and bucket? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain - the nation will never look at a feather duster the same way again.