Tone Trump becomes the new President of the United States: 'I'm gonna make America rich again'

Tone Trump, the millionaire rapper, has just been elected as the 46th President of the United States.

In what many are calling a surprising turn of events, Tone Trump has just been announced as the new President of the United States. The rapper, who made his fortune in the music industry and through various business ventures, ran an unconventional campaign that focused on his business acumen and his ability to 'make America rich again'. Despite being widely dismissed as a joke candidate, Trump's message clearly resonated with voters, who were tired of the same old politicians making the same old promises. They saw in Trump a fresh face, unencumbered by the political establishment, who could bring a new perspective to the problems facing the country. Trump's victory speech was typically bombastic, with the rapper promising to 'bring the bling back to the White House' and to 'make America the richest, most baller nation on the planet'. He also pledged to build a massive wall around the United States, paid for by Mexico, and to renegotiate all of the country's trade deals to make sure that America always comes out on top. Critics have already begun to question Trump's ability to govern, pointing out that he has no political experience and has never held public office. However, Trump has dismissed these concerns, saying that 'politics is just another hustle', and that he has all the skills he needs to make America great again. Many are now wondering what the future holds for the United States under President Tone Trump. Will he be able to deliver on his promises and make America rich again, or will he become just another failed celebrity politician? Only time will tell.